Capital Ship Management Corp. is Commended for M/T 'Arionas' Successful Rescue Operation by Republic of Marshall Islands

Capital Ship Management Corp. is Commended for M/T 'Arionas' Successful Rescue Operation by Republic of Marshall Islands

Athens, Greece, December 11, 2014. The Maritime Administration of the Republic of the Marshall Islands commended the Master, Officers and Crew of M/T Arionas, managed by Capital Ship Management Corp. ('Capital'), for the successful rescue of 163 migrants  on June 7, 2014 south of Malta.

Capital Maritime & Trading Corp. Chief Executive Officer Mr. Evangelos Marinakis Voted “Greek Shipping Newsmaker Of The Year” At The 2014 Lloyd’s List Greek Shipping Awards

Capital Maritime & Trading Corp. Chief Executive Officer Mr. Evangelos Marinakis Voted “Greek Shipping Newsmaker Of The Year” At The 2014 Lloyd’s List Greek Shipping Awards

Athens, Greece - December 10, 2014 - Capital Ship Management Corp. announced that Mr. Evangelos Marinakis, the Chief Executive Officer of Capital Maritime & Trading Corp. who is also Chairman of the Board of Directors of Capital Product Partners L.P., , was selected as Lloyd’s List’s "Greek Shipping Newsmaker of the Year” for 2014.

Mr. Marinakis was commended for completing a major round of tanker and containership investments, strengthening Capital Product Partners, introducing IMO sustainable shipping principles to  Capital Ship Management

Capital Ship Management Corp. receives the Amver ‘Special Rescue Award’ by the U.S. Coast Guard

Athens, Greece, October 31, 2014. The Amver ‘Special Rescue Award’ was awarded to Capital Ship Management Corp and the Shipmaster of M/T Arionas, Captain Christian Manole, for the successful rescue of 163 migrants  on June 7, 2014 south of Malta.

It was a major rescue operation, as 163 migrants in distress on board two inflatable boats were safely accommodated on the vessel’s deck and provided with all necessary provisions (water, food, blankets etc.) and disembarked in Augusta Port in Sicily, the next day, June 8, 2014.

The Award was presented on...

M/T Amoureux Receives the QualShip 21 Award for 2014 by the U.S. Coast Guard.

Athens, Greece, October 24, 2014. M/T Amoureux, a vessel managed by Capital Ship Management Corp., received the QualShip 21 award by the U.S. Coast Guard.

M/T Arionas Aids the Rescue of Migrants in the Mediterranean Sea

Athens, Greece, June 10, 2014. On Saturday June 7, in the early morning hours, M/T Arionas, a vessel managed by Capital Ship Management Corp., received instructions by MRCC Malta and MRCC Rome to divert course and take part in the rescue of 163 migrants in distress on board two inflatable boats in the Mediterranean, south of Malta.

After a successful rescue operation, 163 migrants boarded safely, were accommodated on the deck and provided with all necessary provisions (water, food, blankets etc.). None appeared to require medical attention. At the same time, all...

Capital Ship Management Corp. is Successfully Assessed by Lloyd’s Register of Shipping Against the “IMO Strategic Concept of a Sustainable Shipping Industry”

Capital Ship Management Corp. is Successfully Assessed by Lloyd’s Register of Shipping Against the “IMO Strategic Concept of a Sustainable Shipping Industry”

Athens, Greece, June 4, 2014. Capital Ship Management Corporation (‘Capital’) is prioritising a business strategy inspired by, and applying, the key principles and goals of the International Maritime Organisation’s (IMO’s) Strategy for Sustainable Maritime Transport Systems. Capital is incorporating key 'imperatives' and 'goals', as defined by IMO in the company’s management systems across its operations.

Capital has established a task force to implement specific actions, plans, processes, and to develop systems addressing sustainability. Priority has...

Capital Ship Management Corp. takes Delivery of M/V ’Hyundai Paramount’

Athens, Greece, April 5, 2013. Capital Ship Management Corp. successfully took delivery today of the container vessel  M/V ’Hyundai Paramount’ at Hyundai Heavy Industries (“HHI”), Gunsan, South Korea. The M/V ‘Hyundai Paramount’ is a container vessel of 5,023 TEU and deadweight of 50,900 MT. It is one of five super-efficient new sister ships with eco-friendly design ordered, as Capital Maritime & Trading Corp. expands its operations into the container sector. All vessels have secured a 12 year time charter employment (+/- 60 days) to Hyundai Merchant...

Capital Ship Management Corp. takes delivery of M/V Archimidis and M/V Agamemnon

Athens, Greece, June 29, 2012. Capital Ship Management Corp. today announced that it successfully took delivery of the 8,000 TEU container vessels M/V Archimidis and M/V Agamemnon built 2006 and 2007 respectively at Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering Co., Ltd. (DSME), South Korea.

The Chief Executive Officer of Capital Maritime & Trading Corp supports the “Greece Debt Free” NGO Initiative

Athens, Greece, June 26, 2012. Capital Ship Management Corp. today announced that Mr. Evangelos Marinakis, the Chief Executive Officer of Capital Maritime & Trading Corp., in a highly symbolic action, offered the amount of €168,590 to repurchase Greek bonds worth €1.4 million, thus joining 33-year-old Peter Nomikos’ initiative for the creation of a nonprofit, nongovernmental, nonpolitical foundation called “Greece Debt Free” (GDF).

"Through this act, I wanted to set an example so as to show that we should all contribute to our country during these...

Capital Charity Run - Athens Classic Marathon

Athens, Greece, October 27, 2011. Capital Ship Management Corp. today announced that it is organizing a charity run on the occasion of the 29th Athens Classic Marathon. On November 13th, twelve Capital employees will be running the 10k race to raise money and awareness for children and young adults with mental disabilities. We have chosen to support the ‘Sikaridio Foundation’ (http://www.sikiarideio.gr/index.php), an open care training centre for children and young adults with...

The Chief Executive Officer of Capital Maritime & Trading Corp supports the Japan earthquake relief fund

The Chief Executive Officer of Capital Maritime & Trading Corp supports the Japan earthquake relief fund

Athens, Greece, March 20, 2011. Capital Ship Management Corp. today announced that Mr. Evangelos Marinakis, the Chief Executive Officer of Capital Maritime & Trading Corp.,  donated the amount of $140,000 to the Ambassador of Japan in Greece, Mr. Hiroshi Toda.

Mr. Evangelos Marinakis stated: “My personal relations, as well as those of my family, with Japan go way back in time, as a result of my investments in shipping ventures. We have worked together with the Japanese people in a number of occasions over the years and we were shocked by this biblical

Capital Ship Management Corp. takes delivery of M/V Aristos II

Athens, Greece, January 16, 2011. Capital Ship Management Corp. took successful delivery of the newbuilding vessel M/V Aristos II from Samho Shipyard Ltd. in South Korea, today. The M/V Aristos II is a handy size bulker vessel with a deadweight of 32,400 MT.

  • UKAS AND ISO-9001 ISO-14001 ISO-45001 ISO-50001
  • Intertanko
  • Rina
  • Helmepa
  • Tanker Company of the Year
  • Amver
  • Green Flag 2018
  • Excellence Award - GREEN4SEA
  • Sea Transport Awards 2015 - Best Vessel Operator Europe